If you have an “Avoider-Perfectionist” mindset, you’re prone to occasionally finding yourself in a state of paralysis. It’s a habit that feeds your mind the same old false story again and again: “You are unprepared, or not ready to take action.”
Insistence that all actions and activities require perfection is unrealistic and leaves many unrealized dreams and ventures scattered in its wake. The default action habit, then, becomes doing nothing.
In reality, taking some action is better than taking no action at all. You need to find a way to make your habit “doing something” rather than constantly “stalling, or not doing” out of fear it’s not perfect or won’t be good enough.
Look at what your presently working on. Is it 80% there? How long has it been at 80%? Are you just STUCK?
Maybe it’s time to just “do it”, see the results, and then do some “tweaking”. Think about it.
If you’d like to talk about this, and more, feel free to get on my calendar for a business strategy call.
You can also check out OnTRACK Friday™. It’s the best $49/$59 you’ll ever spend. It will help keep your business moving forward and help you break many of the bad habits that may be holding you back.
As always, have a great week.