Do you have one of these lousy habits?

I call them “The Eight Habits Of Highly Disorganized People.”

The most debilitating habits often manifest as forms of self-sabotage, and they operate largely under the radar.

The business leader who believes that raising product prices will drive away customers is a great example. So is a writer who procrastinates on starting her potential bestseller for fear of facing a blank page with nothing to say. In both cases, these fear-based belief systems have halted all movement forward. Despite (probably) not being based on any concrete evidence, they will create a lot of self-inflicted misery.

Many poor habits are not even recognized as “habits”. An essential step toward breaking these habits is recognizing that they actually exist.

In my experience, the eight most common negative habits holding business leaders back are:

  1. You allow yourself to get distracted
  2. You feel the need to do everything yourself
  3. You won’t do anything unless it can be perfect
  4. You make lists but don’t take action
  5. You don’t plan out your entire day
  6. You fail to measure your business metrics regularly, and effectively
  7. You constantly change strategies
  8. You are disorganized

Over the next few weeks I will elaborate on each one of these. As you go through the list, try to be as honest with yourself as possible. Are any of these habits keeping you STUCK in a repetitive loop of frustration? How would your business and life change if these behaviors and mindsets were replaced with positive habits? You might be pleasantly surprised with the outcome if you break these habits.

Bad Habit #1—You Allow Yourself To Get Distracted  READ MORE

As always, have a great week.


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